Monday, 25 April 2011

So What Are Fallen Angels?

Image from SMS World blog
The following is an adaptation of my reply to an email on a list I'm on.  Basically, I rewrote the parts about other conversations to keep people's privacy in tact.  I was asked what fallen angels are to me.  I didn't really answer that, because I haven't completely decided on that question.  But the following are my thoughts.

I haven't had any personal contact with angels, as far as I know.  Well, a little with the Feri Guardians, which some believe are Watchers.  So I can't speak from personal experience, so I'll go from my (conflicting and paradoxic) personal beliefs based on what I've read and my own thoughts.

To me, angels are basically the agents of G-d to man, though He's always spoken directly to me, not through angels.  It's hard to tell whether they're an extension of G-d with no independent will of their own or if they are independent beings who serve him.  But then, that's a hard distinction with anything.  Where does G-d stop and creation begin?  I believe all of creation is made of the stuff of Him (or Her if you will; YVHV of the Jews is God Herself, the Star Goddess of Feri for me) and is actively maintained by Him.  I am a reflection of Her, one with the gods, all of which are Her reflections, but a very real part of Her.  I am Goddess.  But I digress.

Image from Donald Tyson's
 Supernatural World
I had to look up Madame Blavatsky, though the name seemed/seems familiar.  What I can find from her on angels I have heard many other places, angels leaving heaven being a sacrifice and they being the saviors of mankind.  This of course is in direct opposition to the predominant Christian view on fallen angels, but fits well with what I've been told of the Book of Enoch, and also the Yezidi view on Melek Ta'us. Can I answer, both?  Can it be both rebellion and salvation, evil and good?  If rebellion is evil.  Like my thoughts on the Garden of Eden (which haven't settled to a belief at this point), eating of the fruit was disobedience and bad, because they chose themselves over G-d, yet at the same time, it was part of G-d's plan, and they were meant to eat it.  It was Geburah, Judgement, which was introduced to allow free will, for in Chesed, Mercy, there is no free will, because you are always given what's "best" for you, so can't choose, and hence can't learn and can't grow.  Eating of the Tree of Knowledge (Da'ath) of Good and Evil was necessary for the evolution of man.  Separation from G-d was necessary for the return to G-d.  And the return is greater than the initial state, because it is by choice rather than circumstances.  But I digress again.

...or extensions of the modern psyche?  Once again, can I answer both?  I had this discussion with someone on the same list a while back in a discussion about creation myths and about gods.  Is there a separation between what's in here *taps head* and what's out there *points to the sky*?  In Feri, the gods are very real distinct beings, yet they are in us and are us at the same time.  Paradox.  I think the psyche shapes the external, and the external shapes our pysche.  I had a discussion with someone on another list back a bit about the child wind goddess I worshipped in my teens.  He asked, was she not real just because you made her up?  The gods (and angels) are both the product of our collective psyche and our collective psyche is a product with interactions with them.  Our deepest fears are there because there really is something out there to fear (Poe, Lovecraft, and King were/are experts in playing with these fears), and there's something out there to fear because of our deepest fears.  It's the same thing as with the Windago and other monsters.  The monster without is really the monster within, and the monster within is really the monster without.  But I digress again.

Fallen angels, I think, are very real, though they, like us, like other spirits, like the gods, have evolved over time as human experience has evolved.

Image from fanpop
On Sitchin, I found only a little, but he seems to be arguing that angels and the Anunnaki, the Sumerian Watchers, were aliens come to teach mankind.  I don't know.  Once again, yes and no.  The Feri Guardians are associated with the Persian Royal Stars by some and are called the Lords of Outer Space.  There are parallels between them and some accounts of aliens.  And some of the Sumerian carvings do look a lot like modern descriptions of UFOs.  Though I think the UFO my sister and I saw in the night sky as kids (eight lights around a central light moving slowly across the sky) was probably US military, not alien.  But I could be wrong.

~Muninn's Kiss

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