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Because the solar year is tied to the rotation around the sun, not the daily rotation of the earth. The two aren't connected at all. Just as the moon's monthly cycle isn't tied to either. You can't define a solar year, a lunar month, or an earth day by each other. So no calendar will ever work 100% the way intended.
All the calculator does is convert between the different calendars, not define exactly when the solstice or equinox or cross-quarter really occurs.
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If we want to go by the calendar, we won't stay accurate to the astronomical event, and if we go by the astronomical event, we won't be consistent to the calendar. But is it the calendar that truly matters? And is it the astronomical event that really matters?
We say that the Autumn Equinox is the beginning of Autumn, the Winter Solstice is the beginning of Winter, the Spring Equinox is the beginning of Spring, and the Summer Solstice is the beginning of Summer. But where is this true? And when?
In Argos, there were two Horae, who represented Summer and Winter, but in Greece, there were three, basically bloom, growth, and harvest, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. Later, the became four, from which our seasons come, before they became the hours, of which there were nine or ten, and later 12, which became our 24, 12 of night, 12 of day, at the Solstices.
In Wyoming, Winter begins some time between September and December, depending on the year, but always well before the Solstice, usually closer to the cross-quarter, Samhane or whatever name. Spring usually doesn't come until May or June, so later than the Equinox, closer to the cross-quarter, Beltaine or whatever name. Summer doesn't usually start until well into July, after the Summer Solstice, and Autumn starts early August to late September, depending on the year, usually well before the Equinox. So the feasts, the Solstices, the equinoxes, the cross-quarters, Don't match too well. And it varies from year to year. Two years ago, Winter came mid September and snow fell and stayed until mid June, Spring was a month, then Summer lasted until late September. Last year, Autumn went from late September until mid November, and Winter from then until a week after May Day. But that was in the valley. In the mountains, a half hour from town, all the roads were closed under twelve feet of snow until mid July this year. And Autumn started around Labor Day, which was September 5 this year. Snow came last Saturday, about a foot, but it's definitely still Autumn now. It was back up to the 60s F the last two days.
So you can't match the seasons to a calendar, nor to astronomical events.
What are we actually celebrating at the Solstices? The Equinoxes? The Cross-Quarters? The Feast Days? The Saint Days? Any other day? That's what we really need to decide. That's what will tell us when they should occur.
~Muninn's Kiss
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